COPY TIPS (Delete This):
1. Define the audience's challenge in the pre-heading and highlight the solution and benefit in the headline.
2. Overcome potential objections in the pre-heading and emphasize the main benefit in the headline to showcase value.
3. Use placeholders to customize the content to your audience's specific struggles, outcomes, and benefits.
Replace red italics with your copy and remove italics
To get started, you can ask GG:
"GG, give me 5 options for compelling headlines and sub-headlines for my Lead Magnet sign-up page where I will be teaching [insert ideal client] how to [insert lead magnet outcome]."
COPY TIPS (Delete This):
Emphasize how your unique method facilitates your ideal client's desired outcomes.
Reassure readers that beginning is easier than they might think, addressing common objections and highlighting the simplicity of your method.
Motivate readers to take action by stressing that they already possess everything needed to get started.
To get started, you can ask GG:
"GG, help me write around 200 words of sales copy for a lead magnet page about how to [Achieve Desires Outcome]. Emphasize how everyday people have used [Your Unique Method] to achieve [Desired Outcomes]. Address the common objections potential members might have."
The [Your Niche] is growing with leaps and bounds. Why? Because it's easier than ever before to gain the skills needed to make it real.
So what does it mean to [achieve desired outcome]?
The simple answer - [Your unique method for achieving what they want - promise of Lead Magnet].
And you don’t need to [Main Objections] to get started - the only thing you need, you already have!
I know it seems a little crazy that one checklist has the power to [Main Desired Outcomes, End Results]… especially if you’re [New, Struggling for years, etc].
Knowledge (like the knowledge in this checklist) is insanely valuable. It’s powerful. It can change your life.
I’ve been doing this for [Number of Years or Clients]. In that time I’ve [Main Struggles / Challenges], but I’ve also [Main Benefit, Result] beyond anything I could have ever possibly imagined.
I know what works. More importantly, I know what doesn’t work.
So the [system, method] I share with you in this checklist has been tried, tested and proven to work for “regular” people like you and me with different backgrounds and levels of experience.
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